Sometimes, the simplest technologies are the most useful.
Recently Twitter released an app called Periscope that is based on a fairly simple idea, but it allows for many potential uses.
Here’s how it works...
- Point your phone at anything
- Give your broadcast a catchy title; and
- Start broadcasting, and allow anyone in the world to tune in and watch
If you’re familiar with Facetime its pretty similar, except multiple people can all tune in at once.
No biggie right? Well, consider for a moment the following scenario…
You’ve acquired a new listing, so you’ll probably schedule an open house. What if the perfect buyer is busy during the open house? What if the buyer is in another town or away on holiday? A virtual tour is good, but it’s not great.
So, what better way to launch your new listing than through live video!
You could use Periscope and livestream a video at the front door and give a tour of the entire house with potential buyers watching from their phones, wherever they are.
What’s so good about it?
One of the neatest features on Periscope is that people who are watching your stream in real-time can ask questions as you show off the state of the art kitchen or the garden that’s perfect for summer entertaining. Other viewers are able to see these comments and you can acknowledge and answer their questions on the live stream. How cool is that?
If interested parties aren’t able to tune in real-time, you have the option to make a recorded version of the broadcast available to users, as well. Potential buyers would need Periscope installed on their phone, as well as a Twitter account because users log in to Periscope with their Twitter credentials. But we live and operate in a society where social media is considered the ‘norm’ so the chances are a large number of your target audience is already familiar with Periscope.
If a photo is worth a thousand words, then a live-stream could be worth thousands in commission. Not only will potential buyers love getting an inside scoop, but they’ll feel more connected than ever.
As an estate agent you have much to offer so why not give it a go and harness the power of Periscope? What have you got to lose?