So you have a fantastic looking website, complete with everything you need to tackle the online world. Your design is clean, efficient and easy to use on a computer. Great!
But what happens when you try and load the same page on a mobile device? Or a tablet? Suddenly all of your features become an obstacle that the user is expected to navigate. With mobile fast becoming the most popular way to experience the web, it's hard to undersell the importance of being compatible.
A dedicated Mobile Site contains everything from your main site but optimised in a way to best fit a smaller screen and for touch navigation. Consumers become quickly bored with unintuitive sites and after only a few seconds of being unable to find what they are looking for and will quickly turn to the next, easier-to-use site. This is where we come in!
Each Mobile Site that we develop is customisable to your brand colours and imagery and offers an extensive feature list as standard. Seamlessly integrating with your property management software, we provide you with: comprehensive search features, Image slide-shows, Floorplans, EPC's and mapping features. All of this on an intelligent design that resizes to fit the device it is being displayed on.
As well as these standard features, we also offer you the opportunity to personalise your content further with access to "About Us", "News" and "Testimonial" pages. These can be regularly updated to make sure your site is always current and engaging for your clients.
We have also made keeping you in contact with your clients a priority with "Request Valuation Form" and "Property Alerts". These will allow you to collect valuable information about your clients and send out targeted messages without waiting for your clients to get in touch with you.
As if all of this wasn't enough, we've added direct links to your social media pages, encouraging interaction with your client-base where they are the most active.
But of course, it's all well and good talking about this but just in case you're still unsold on the idea, ask us for a demonstration of our popular Mobile Site! We can give you a hands-on test of our software, allowing you to see how we can help you tackle an ever-evolving market.
To get in touch, click here.