Every day I read the property news and every day it’s a different story. Sales are up, sales are down, London is in a bubble, no it’s not… for those of us who don’t work on the front lines of estate agency, it can be really hard to know exactly what’s going on. It’s for reasons like this that many of you agents are around. As well as helping us find a new home or helping landlords find new tenants, it's up to you to help us make sense of the market you’re in.
There’s various ways you can prove to your potential clients that you’re an industry expert and that you really know what you’re talking about, but one of the most misused mediums (at least in the property sector) is social media.
Many agents have come to rely on the internet to keep them afloat, and who can blame them! With even the most conservative reports showing roughly 4 of 5 property searches beginning online, it’s no wonder people are turning to the web to showcase their business. Social Media is the perfect place to stage your business and start creating an audience of potential clients.
Starting up and keeping active on Social Media shows that your business is in tune with new media. The vast majority of the public have social media profiles and use them as their primary source of content consumption, be this news, blogs or video. This makes it the perfect place to represent your business.
Just having profiles on the various sites won’t be enough though I’m afraid. You’ll need to keep your feed populated with high quality content and interact with your audience, be that news and articles that your followers will find interesting, or content that you’ve produced yourself. And before you update your profile with every new listing that comes in, think to yourself “is that really what my audience wants to see pop up in their time line?”
Keeping your profiles up to date with informative, interesting and sometimes even comical content will show your credibility. It’ll show that you’re invested in keeping up to the minute with what’s happening in your industry and you want your followers to be to.
While this isn’t the immediate lead generator that some of your tools may be, it does establish you in the minds of your followers as a trusted and well established brand. Not only will this put you in mind for future sales, it demonstrates to landlords that you’re a high quality agency that knows how to look after their property.
Essentially social media is the modern day equivalent of the website, there once was a time where it was just an optional extra but now it’s expected as standard. Social Media profiles (engaging ones at that) are becoming the norm and anyone that doesn’t keep up will soon be losing out.
If you’re having trouble getting to grips with social media, or if you just need a nudge in the right direction let us know! We’re here to help.