Recently, we launched our comprehensive Area Guide feature - if you want to learn a little more about that you can click here. But one of the really exciting aspects of our Area Guide is something we're calling the Loyalty Card.

Essentially, it's a business directory. Under each area you can specify your categories. These could include Restaurants & Bars, Salons, Fashion etc. Within each of these you can add the local businesses in the area.

This enables you to open conversations with each of these businesses, gain exposure from promoting each other on social media channel, and really push brand awareness. You could become the “digital mayor” of your local area.

This feature brings with it the following benefits:

  • Google currently has a major push toward websites that are hyper-local (targeting areas for example) so from an SEO point-of-view, it’s extremely beneficial.
  • It enables the agents to build rapport with local businesses which can lead to;
    • Gaining links on the business’ and agent’s websites, which is also beneficial for SEO.
    • Increased engagement over social media between the business and agent.
    • Increased brand awareness around the local area.

An example of where this has really been beneficial for an agent is where one of our clients created a physical Loyalty Card to hand out and asked local businesses to provide some sort of discount. This could be 10% off a meal, a free starter etc. The card was handed out to all their landlords and tenants. It’s proved to be so popular that they get people coming into the office just to get their hands on it.

Other than getting people into the office to pick the card up, the benefits are plentiful. It massively increases their brand awareness in the local area. People are talking about the Loyalty Card and actively using it. It's given the agent that extra leg-up over their competition which is hugely important in today’s market. In addition to that, it's provided lots of opportunity for social media collaboration between the agent and the businesses themselves, which has in turn created more local engagement.

The Loyalty Card is an extension of our Area Guides feature which comes as part of our Professional Subscription. If you want it on your website or would like a demo of it in action, let us know!