A 2 minute read.
We are passionate about social proof in our business. We don’t do much in the way of traditional sales and certainly don't have a marketing budget to speak of. We’re a small business and almost every client we’ve ever worked with came to us from some sort of referral or introduction from somewhere. Social proof leverages new business - for us, it’s a fact.
Do a good job and generally, it comes back around and that's where we’ve really focussed our efforts. Trying to make sure our client journey is as good as it can be. Are we perfect? No. But we’re always listening and looking to improve / tweak our processes to ensure continual improvement.
It means you need to ask how your clients felt about their experience with you. I know, sounds like hard work right?
There are lots of ways to ask a customer / client for a review. For example, you could:
- Ask them to post you a letter (if we were in 1970, this would probably work really well!).
- Ask them to give you a review there and then (assuming you're at a PC of course).
- Include a link on your website.
- Include a “link” on promotional material you send out (like a brochure, window card, leaflet or business card etc).
- Include a link on your email signature.
- Email blast your mailing list with a request.
I’ve personally road-tested a number of different ways of asking a client for a review. Generally, all the above work to some degree and I’m not discounting them in any way but they are very hit and miss.
So what’s the best approach for asking for a review?
In our experience, nothing beats sending your client a direct email asking for the review. It’s just a bit more personable.
In fact, we actually ask if they could review us on multiple platforms but that’s mainly because we use this application which simplifies the hell out of the process from the customer point-of-view.
The simple fact is though, if you don’t ask - you don't get! And yes, sometimes you need to ask more than once but you know what, just do it!
Getting positive feedback is so tough so don't be hard on yourself if it takes time to gather!
People have a good experience and then just move on with their lives. It’s natural, I find myself guilty of it, I think we all do.
With negative feedback though, it's online in a split second, almost an immediate reaction - that's just the way society is nowadays.
Just bite the bullet and focus on building your social proof. You will not regret it!
And you’d like a pep-talk or some advice / suggestions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.