Will Beare of Echo Video takes you through why video on social media is so important for estate agents...
Blogs for Edia
5 Top Tips to Make Your Website Popular
By Kat SonsonSome tips on improving the popularity of your estate agent website!...
How to Include Video in your Marketing Strategy
By Kat SonsonThe facts and figures to help you decide how to implement video into your marketing strategies....
Humanise the Online
By Alex EvansHow can you humanise your online presence?...
Getting started with Facebook for your Estate Agency
By Kat SonsonMany agents have yet to fully utilise Facebook, we explain how to use Facebook effectively for your estate agency...
Estate Apps Digital Predictions for 2018 (Kat)
By Kat SonsonKat Sonson, content writer for Estate Apps gives her social media predictions for the year...
Estate Apps Digital Predictions for 2018 (Sam)
By Sam JohnsThe Estate Apps team reveal their predictions for the year, ranging from all things digital marketing to tech and GDPR...
Content and Consistency Key for Online Branding
By Kat SonsonYour brand is simply more than just a logo, its the face of your company. Here we speak about why content and consistency is crucial for your online...
The rise of video content and its importance for businesses
By Kat SonsonVideo marketing has become increasingly popular, we underlines its importance for businesses and why you should be taking advantage!...
Social Media Etiquette and Policy
By Kat SonsonEvery company should have a social media policy, guidelines who keep you on track, this blog post will provide you with insights about the importance of...
4 Reasons why Estate Agents should be using social media
By Ola BelloSocial media is no longer an option but more of an imperative, here are reasons as to why every estate agent should be using social media...
The Potential of Facebook Advertising for Estate Agents
By Ola BelloThe potential of Facebook advertising is huge for estate agents and should be if not already an important part of your marketing strategy....
Bereft of blog ideas? Here are some blog topic ideas for estate agents
By Ola BelloStuck for blog ideas for your estate agency? No more staring at blank canvas, here are some blog writing ideas for estate agents...
Social media trends for estate agents 2017
By Ola BelloAn insight into the upcoming social media trends for social estate agents in 2017...
How to write a better blog
By Ola BelloStruggling to write quality blogs? You're not alone, here is my story on how I struggled and what I done to improve!...
My Interest in Social Media
By Ola BelloLearn a little about Estate Apps' newest member and how he began his journey to social media marketing...
People buy from people
By Sam Johns“People don’t buy products, people buy from people.” I’m sure most of you business folk out there have heard something like this before. The idea...
Give your social media a boost
By Sam JohnsWe all maintain and post to our business pages on social media with varying degrees of success. Some of us only gain small amounts of traffic for our...
What is the most important question that estate and letting agents should ask?
By Christopher WatkinDo landlords trust us enough, as agents, enough to believe the promises we throw out in our marketing?...
The benefits of Social Media - An Agents Perspective
By Sam JohnsWe do a lot of content about why you should use social media and how best to use it, we really feel that it’s important for you to grow as a business....
The benefit of Social Media for your Agency
By Sam JohnsWe’ve covered social media previously in a few forms before, but in this blog we’re going to go further in depth and cover various points as to what...
The benefits of Instagram for your agency
By Sam JohnsConsumers are mostly visually driven, but you’ll be hard pressed to find a target market in need of high quality imagery as much as those in the...
By Sam JohnsHashtags. What are they? What do they do? And why do I keep seeing them pop up during TV shows?...
Why is social media important for your agency?
By Sam JohnsEvery day I read the property news and every day it’s a different story. Sales are up, sales are down, London is in a bubble, no it’s not… for those...
Estate Apps and JustPark – Unlikely Allies
By Sam JohnsBatman and Robin, Sherlock and Watson... Estate Apps and JustPark? We’re not exactly two companies you’d expect to team up and, in a way, you’re...
Klout – Does it matter?
By Sam JohnsIf you use any form of social media management, or your listed on any sort of social media ranking list (Like Estate Agent networking top 1,000 agents) you...
Getting to grips with Social Media
By Sam JohnsSocial media is huge. That statement shouldn't shock anyone anymore. Most, if not all of you reading this will have a social media profile of some sort,...
Why you should write a blog (even if no one reads it)
By Sam JohnsIf you're reading this blog, you're one of the literally tens of people that tune in on a regular basis to hear my innovative insights and tales of...